Barcelona — Kent Farrington | Top International Show Jumping Athlete

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15564 Sunnyland Lane
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The official website of elite American show jumping athlete Kent Farrington.


Kent Farrington And Uceko Win the Cup of the City of Barcelona


The United States top world-ranked rider Kent Farrington has been proclaimed this night the winner of the Longines Cup of the City of Barcelona after setting himself apart from 37 other international combinations. Farrington was the fastest in the second round with long-time partner Uceko, ahead of Britain's William Whitaker riding Upperclass, and France's Marie Hécart with the very-fast Myself de Breve.

Only two other combinations managed to finish the second round without penalties; Piergiorgio Bucci riding Catwalk Z and Gerco Schröder riding Cognac Champblanc. Brazil saw two top-ranked riders in the top-twelve. Brazil's Doda de Miranda finished 6th with AD Nouvelle Europe Z while Marlon Modolo Zanotelli finished 7th with Rock'n'Roll Semilly.