Hampton Classic — Kent Farrington | Top International Show Jumping Athlete

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The official website of elite American show jumping athlete Kent Farrington.

Hampton Classic

Kent Farrington Wins the Hampton Classic Grand Prix Second Year in A Row


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Bridgehampton, NY--September 4, 2013--Kent Farrington became the fifth rider in the 38-year history of the Hampton Classic to successfully defend his championship in the Classic's featured event, the $250,000 FTI Consulting Grand Prix and FEI World Cup™ Qualifier. Farrington topped the star-studded field on Zafira. He won the event in 2012 on Voyeur.

 Farrington had planned to defend his FTI Consulting Grand Prix title with Voyeur, who jumped faultlessly to finish fifth in Friday's qualifying event. But he said that on Sunday morning Voyeur had a swollen ankle, so Zafira moved from backup to first string. It was the 9-year-old Dutch Warmblood mare's biggest Grand Prix start.

 "I thought that maybe my odds weren't as good with her as with Voyeur, but I thought she could do it," said Farrington. "This was a big step up for her, and she answered the question."

 In becoming the fifth rider to win the Hampton Classic's featured Grand Prix in consecutive years, Farrington joined Show Jumping Hall of Famers Rodney Jenkins and Michael Matz, and two riders who are still active, Olympic veterans Margie Engle and McLain Ward.

"I think this is the best event in the world. Our top riders bring their best horses here, and the management is always trying to keep the show at the highest standard," Farrington said of the Hampton Classic.

Source: Hampton Classic